Monday, October 19, 2009

Retreats Offered

Is it time to take a breather and plan a retreat for Spiritual Renewal for your church or organization?  At Go 2 the Peak, we can work with you to plan a week-end for your church or Christian organization  - or we can offer sessions for your Council or Leadership retreat.   Just let us know your needs, we'll work with your leadership team to build a retreat specific to your needs. 

Here are some examples of programs that we have built.

The Five Love Languages and How to Use Them in the World 
This is an interactive retreat built around the book by Gary Chapman.  This session allows you to discover your love language.  Do you respond to Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, or Physical Touch?  You will also get tips on how to discover the love language of those around you and the importance of communicating to others in their love language.  Not just for married couples - this informative, fun, and interactive session deals with the importance of love languages in friendships, in work settings and in our churches. 

The BAG (Blest and Gifted) Ladies
This women's retreat is perfect for a week-end setting.  Share with women how you are blessed by God.  Discover your Spiritual Gifts and how you can use those gifts in your church, your community, your family and your life.   Create your own BAG and show it off in a BAG Lady fashion show.   The weekend is sure to be filled with a lot of laughs and much spirtual growth as you discover how you are Blest and Gifted.

Celebrating and Growing in Your Christian Disciplines
Based on the book Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster, this week-end retreat provides discussion about the inward, outward, and corporate disciplines of spiritual growth.   This week-end allows you to look at yourself and discover where you can grow in your faith.  Time is built in for self meditation, for worship, for laughter, and for time to get to know each other.

Understanding Yourself and Those on Your Team
Everybody has stengths that can be used to enhance Spiritual Gifts for their Church, Community, and in their personal lives. This session allows you to discover your strengths and how to use them in a team setting to work for the good of your group.  The Big Five Profile assessment results will be reviewed as a group to discover how you can best work together as a team.  This seminar is a great leadership tool for Council Retreats or at Leadership meetings. 

We are always interested in building a retreat, a session, or team building to meet your specific needs! 

Contact me at 910-795-7711 or for more information.  Visit  for information about Amy and me - and other services that we offer at Go 2 the Peak.

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