Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Very Cold Night

Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied.
Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.
Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.
Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. 
Luke 6:20-23

It is hard to "sleep in" this morning.  The wind is whipping around outside my warm home.  The temperature is in the teens this morning and the wind is lowering the thermometer readings more.

It is hard to "sleep in" knowing that there are men and women and children sleeping outside on the streets during the cold, cold night.  It's hard to let my mind wander to a little child being sheltered by his or her mom in a doorway shelter downtown.  It's hard to think about where the men and women who were lined up for a warm meal at my church tonight are spending this cold, cold night.  It's hard to think about the children who have no coats or shoes that fit or warm meals on these cold, cold days. 

I am thinking about the man who sent a thank you to our church leaders at a meeting tonight for all that we do to help him and others on the street.  The man had no heavy coat.  He would accept no money to get him off the streets for a night or two when the weather was the coldest.  He would be ok, he said.  He just wanted us to know how thankful he was for what we did for him and others in his situation.  I wonder if that man was Jesus?

I am thinking of a church member who always finds a family in need for our adult Sunday School class to help during the Christmas season.  I am thinking of the child who was in school last week with no coat when temperatures were in the teens.  I am thinking of how that child's feet must have hurt him every day because his shoes were two sizes too small.  I am thinking of the loving care of the adult who brought that child a coat and new shoes and brought his story to our Sunday School class to raise funds to provide Christmas for him and his family.  I wonder if that kind adult is Jesus?

I am thinking about the homeless man who asked to sleep for a short time on our church grounds because it was safe and there was violence on the streets.  I'm thinking about how I saw him every Sunday morning in our Sanctuary worshipping.  I'm thinking about how he is working now to raise funds for the Salvation Army - ringing a bell - helping others while he has nothing.  I wonder if that young man is Jesus? 

And I become very, very sad that these examples that I heard about today are only the tip of the iceburg.  How many children are cold and hungry tonight?  How many mothers are trying to use their warmth to keep their babies warm?  How many fathers are crying because they are unable to provide for their families tonight?  How many family members are worrying where a child or parent or sibling or friend is tonight?  How many lives have been lost to the cold tonight?

I am saddened - but I am warm - and I am fed - and I am safe from the night.  I feel very guilty for complaining about what I don't have when I have so very, very much.  And I sit in my warm house and I pray for those who are in harm's way... and I know that, somehow, that is just not enough tonight.  I am just not doing enough.

Lord, wrap your arms around those who are cold and fearful and let them feel your warmth.  Fill them with your spirit and keep them safe.  Thank you, Lord, for all that I have.  Forgive me for holding on to what I have too tightly.  Forgive me for judging too quickly.  Forgive me for using my energy in negative ways when there is so much to be done in Your name.  Lord, I pray that you keep me focused on You that my life may reflect Your love.  Amen.

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