Friday, April 16, 2010

When the Devil Comes a'Callin'

Be strong in the Lord, and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.                                                     Ephesians 6:10 – 11

I hate to say it, but I have a real relationship with the devil. I don’t like it, but I do. He is very real in my life. I struggle with him continually.

Depression is a terrible thing. The devil truly fights to occupy my soul. He refuses to let me see anything but the “have nots” and “do nots” and “can nots” in my life. He fills me with insecurity, inadequacy, and instability. He sneaks in through my weakest links – my aloneness and my inadequacies. He convinces me that I am unworthy, unlovable, “un-everything”. He tells me that I am nothing.

I know that the devil is real – I see him around me and I feel him within me, I hear him whisper to me about my inadequacies like he is an old friend. I feel him laugh when I fall into his trap. Oh yes, he is real all right.

But God is stronger. And He uses all that He can to get His old foe out of my soul. He uses friends, pastors, family, strangers, and whispers and nudges. Suddenly I may find myself telling a friend of the value that Christ finds in him or her. The Lord laughs a little and says – “Listen! Listen to yourself! Listen to how much I love this friend! I love you not one bit less! I value you not one bit less! I made you with a greater love than you can even imagine.”

God sends a friend – or two or three. He puts words in my mind from a book or a song. He fills my heart with peace and lifts me out of the devil’s trap. God is stronger, indeed.

Lord, keep my heart focused on you. When I feel weak and unworthy, lift me in Your mighty arms and give me your peace. Thank you for those friends who surround me and who serve through you on this earth. Amen

1 comment:

  1. I felt as if I could have written this. Lou, you always have a way of putting yourself right with the Lord. God bless you for sharing.
