Friday, September 11, 2009

The Story From High School

Recently, I found the story that I had written in high school and mentioned in the previous post.  I read the story over and tried to think of the time that I wrote it.  Obviously, I had just been dumped by the "love of my life" - whoever that was at the moment.  It was fun to read it over. 

A note on the page says that the maximum number of words for the literary magazine was 1200.  This was (according to my word count when I retyped it earlier) 1160something.

The thing that immediately came to my attention was that the teacher that literally stopped me in the hall days after the assignment was turned in to ask me to have it published in the literary magazine only gave me a 93 on the paper. 

Geez... take a pin and pop my balloon!  I would have thought I would have gotten at least a 105! 

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to have it published, now!!It's never too late to see it in print. Give it a shot...after all, it was your first attempt for your fame and go ahead, DO IT!!Marsha
